Welcome to Apple Tree Orchard!

The Nest Registered Massage Therapy & Wildberry Physiotherapy are collectively called Apple Tree Orchard.

We are located at Apple Tree Maternity in Nelson.


Carlie Hickson at The Nest Registered Massage Therapy - carliehicksonrmt@gmail.com / TEXT / call 250-551-4648 / thenestrmt.com

  • Carlie will be going on maternity leave in spring 2025.

  • Please welcome Adriane Elliott, RMT! She will be offering treatments as of February and will be taking over for Carlie during her leave. Thank you for your understanding.

Adriane Elliott, RMT - hello@adrianeelliott.com / 250-354-8907

Joanie Mercier at Wildberry Physiotherapy - wildberryphysiotherapy@gmail.com / 250-353-8655 / wildberryphysiotherapy.com

We have recently updated our cancellation policy to a 48 hour cancellation policy. Appointments cancelled or changed less than 48 hours in advance will be subject to the full fee of the appointment. Please let us know if you need to cancel or change your appointment 48 HOURS prior to your appointment. This helps us with managing our time and schedules and allows others to fill the space. Thank you for your consideration!

Parents, you are always welcome to bring your little one to the appointment. We are a family-friendly clinic!

WAIT LIST - Can’t find the appointment time you’re looking for? Add yourself to the waitlist! This option is found at the bottom of treatment options list where it says “can’t find a time?” This allows us to see your availability and let you know when we have a cancellation.

Massage Therapy

Our primary focus is perinatal massage therapy, including prenatal massage, postpartum or postnatal massage, cesarean birth treatment & infant massage. We welcome all family members as well as those seeking massage beyond the postpartum period. Please welcome RMT, Adriane Elliott, to Apple Tree Orchard! For appointments with Adriane, please contact her at hello@adrianeelliott.com For mor... Read More

Our primary focus is perinatal massage therapy, including prenatal massage, postpartum or postnatal massage, cesarean birth treatment & infant massage. We welcome all family members as well as those seeking massage beyond the postpartum period.

Please welcome RMT, Adriane Elliott, to Apple Tree Orchard! For appointments with Adriane, please contact her at hello@adrianeelliott.com

For more information visit www.thenestrmt.com, contact Carlie Hickson, RMT at 250-551-4648 / email carliehicksonrmt@gmail.com

Lymphatic Drainage

Carlie primarily uses lymphatic drainage to treat pre and post-surgical/operative scar tissue and swelling, postpartum swelling and breastfeeding challenges, whiplash, concussions, and other acute injuries, joint conditions, chronic inflammatory conditions, for digestive support, and more. **If you have a chronic health condition that involves swelling (such as lymphedema or lipidema), please c... Read More

Carlie primarily uses lymphatic drainage to treat pre and post-surgical/operative scar tissue and swelling, postpartum swelling and breastfeeding challenges, whiplash, concussions, and other acute injuries, joint conditions, chronic inflammatory conditions, for digestive support, and more. **If you have a chronic health condition that involves swelling (such as lymphedema or lipidema), please contact Carlie 250-551-4648 as she has limited availability for intensive treatment plans.**
Lymphatic drainage is covered under any extended health insurance plan that covers massage therapy.


Pelvic health physiotherapy is individual assessment and treatments with a registered women’s health physiotherapist. It includes treatment for pregnant woman, woman that has had her 6-week postnatal checkup, or any woman experiencing pelvic floor symptoms. Depending of the reason of consultation, it may include a postural and musculoskeletal assessment, an abdominal assessment, a perineal asse... Read More

Pelvic health physiotherapy is individual assessment and treatments with a registered women’s health physiotherapist. It includes treatment for pregnant woman, woman that has had her 6-week postnatal checkup, or any woman experiencing pelvic floor symptoms. Depending of the reason of consultation, it may include a postural and musculoskeletal assessment, an abdominal assessment, a perineal assessment and a vaginal assessment. For more information, call Wild Berry Physiotherapy 250-353-8655.

Please direct booking inquiries to hello@adrianeelliott.com or 240-354-8907

Adriane Elliott is a Registered Massage Therapist with the College of Complementary Health Professionals of British Columbia (formerly the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia) and a member in good standing with the Registered Massage Therapists Association of British Columbia. Adriane’s path to Massage Therapy began with an intensive study of Yogic philosophy and practice, aligning anatomy with spirit. In 2008 Adriane began practicing Rebalancing bodywork - an extension of the renowned work of Ida Rolf, Milton Trager, Moshe Feldenkrist. Her formal training at the Alberta College of Massage Therapy deepened her integration of functional orthopedic assessment and therapeutic treatment. Adriane’s treatments layer a balance of deep tissue, myofascial release, and detailed therapeutic massage that assist her clients in obtaining an ease in movement, and a grounded and centred connection to self in support of thriving life.

Adriane is an also Registered Clinical Aromatherapist with the Canadian Alliance of Aromatherapy, and a member of the Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists. In her work she focuses on evidence based, therapeutic prenatal/postnatal aromatherapy; providing natural aromatic remedies to some of the uncomfortable sensations felt during the childbearing continuum. Please note - Clinical Aromatherapy is currently unavailable for booking at this time, but appointments will be up on our booking site soon.

In 2022, shortly after the birth of her second child Adriane began intensively studying postpartum health, with a holistic view of the maternal body/mind. Subsequently she began training with midwife Rachelle Seliga, CPM of Innate Traditions, and completed her extensive year long Postpartum Care Certification, and is presently in continual mentorship studying advanced postpartum care. These teachings have greatly informed her life and work. Adriane is a member of the Doula Services Association of British Columbia.

Please direct booking inquiries to hello@adrianeelliott.com or 240-354-8907 Adriane Elliott is a... Read More

Carlie’s uses a combination of manual therapy techniques including myofascial techniques, lymphatic drainage, scar tissue mobilization, and cranial sacral (aka craniosacral) therapy.

She has extensive experience and training in supporting individuals during pregnancy and the postpartum period, including prenatal & postpartum massage, cesarean scar treatment, treatment for breast/chest tissue and breast/chest feeding support. She is also trained and experienced in providing infant craniosacral therapy and massage.

Carlie is also a certified Lymphatic Drainage Practitioner (manual lymph drainage). This enables her to treat conditions involving complex scarring and swelling. She has experience caring for patients before and after surgeries such as mastectomies and radiation, orthopaedic surgeries, hysterectomies, other abdominal surgeries, reconstructions and replacements, cesarean sections, acute injuries, liposuction, cosmetic surgeries and more.

She graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in Victoria BC in 2013. Since then, she has worked in a variety of settings including interdisciplinary clinics and a lymphatic health clinic.

Carlie loves leaning and always upgrading her practical skills and knowledge - her work is her passion!

She is forever grateful to live, work and raise her family in such a special community and to have established her practice in her hometown community of Nelson.

She acknowledges with great respect that she resides on the unceded territories of the Sinixt, Syilx & Ktunaxa peoples.

Carlie’s uses a combination of manual therapy techniques including myofascial techniques, lymphat... Read More

Joanie graduated with a Master’s Degree in Physiotherapy from University of Montreal in 2011. Her training in pelvic and Women’s health includes the completion of the Short Graduate Program in Perineal and Pelvic Rehabilitation (University of Montreal, 2014). She completed a PhD in physiotherapy in September 2020. She has studied the effects of a pelvic floor exercises program on perineal symptoms of menopause, which obtained encouraging results. Since 2012, she has worked in a private clinic and a research centre, mostly with women affected by pelvic floor issues. She was also lecturer at the University of Montreal, teaching on the subject of urinary incontinence assessment and treatment. She fell in love with Nelson and his community in 2016 and she is so grateful to be part of it now.

Joanie graduated with a Master’s Degree in Physiotherapy from University of Montreal in 2011. Her... Read More

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Located at: Apple Tree Maternity - Unit 1, 518 Lake St, 1, Nelson
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